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Hi there! I am ..Shaistha Zaheeruddin, MS., RD.

I am a registered dietitian and the founder Modest Nutrition and author of this blog. Welcome to this page, let me tell you a little about me and how I can serve you.

I serve people who:

I help them by:

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And when I am not meeting clients or giving presentations, or developing programs for the community, I can be found:



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If you are curious to know more, here are a few facts you didn’t know about me that led me here:

  1. When someone asks me where I am from – I say I am “global” because I was born in Kuwait, grew up in Egypt, have roots in India, studied in the USA, reside in Canada and have traveled to 20 different countries and have friends in 5 different continents – & I know foods from all these cultures. Especially Middle Eastern & South Asian cuisines.

  2. I grew up living with the worst picky eater in the world (who ate only cucumbers for breakfast, lunch and dinner) and have cousins dealing with similar picky eaters – giving me a unique perspective on both the child’s and the parents’ struggle with feeding.

  3. As a teenager, like any other teen, I was swept up with the peer-pressure of dieting and weight loss, which only resulted in negative impact on my health. Including hair loss, height stunt and PCOS. Over the years in my practice with clients, I learned how  – the weight stigma and the way parents react with girls as they are struggling with weight – impacts self-esteem and the lifelong relationships of people to food. It is, in many cases, the reaction of parents that can make or break the future of your weight cycles (and obesity). This is why I counsel both parents and children when it comes to the sensitive issue of weight, PCOS, picky eating and eating disorders.

  4. The reason I got into nutrition was because I had lost my sister to cancer as a child, this always sparked my interest in finding a cure for cancer, using foods – which is how I stumbled into my first job as a cancer research scientist. I worked with cancer tissues and animals to learn how spices like turmeric (and later other foods like mangosteen, black seed, grapeseed and other foods) can treat and/or prevent cancer.

  5. Other than this, I was lucky enough to grow up seeing my father – who was diagnosed with diabetes in his late 20’s – eat healthy without the guidance of a doctor or dietitian. He is in his 60’s now and still has his blood sugar in check with no major complications (Thank God). This is from his great discipline with choosing the right foods, self-monitoring his blood sugars and his positive mindset.

    I have seen in my family many who did not control their diabetes well and developed complications like kidney disease (with dialysis or kidney transplant), high blood pressures, heart attacks, and strokes. Being this close to these diseases from early on and not knowing until I completed my Master’s in Nutrition how all these diseases were connected to one another (each leading and worsening the other condition). I was still hungry to know how to treat it. So when the opportunity came along for me to get out of the lab, I jumped at the chance to joining the 2 year dietetic program and then completed my 2 year internships at the St John’s Providence hospital, Diabetes clinics and other health facilities and finally became a dietitian.

    I currently work with the Outpatient Pediatrics clinic 2 days a week, and a Family Medicine Clinic on other 2 days, with my current virtual practice, and I also volunteer with Diabetes Canada to spread my knowledge about managing diabetes to community groups and at wellness events.

  6. Most of my group consultations have been to special needs children and adults with mental disabilities – I feel they resonate well with me and I resonate with them best!

  7. My passion lies with helping young girls and women with PCOS lead guilt-free and stress-free lives. I can relate with their deep struggles and have the unique ability to help them accomplish their goals, whether it is to reduce their symptoms, help in weight loss/maintenance, prevent complications or help them become pregnant.

What makes me unique in my approach is…

We can work well together if you also believe in using the natural approach to healthy living, are not looking for a short-term solution to your health problems and appreciate a step-wise process for lifelong success and prevention.

Want To Work With Me?
Please Book A Consultation or call 289-851-7642
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