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Healthy Eating and Weight loss is not easy. We all know this. It can be great in the beginning, when we are extremely motivated, but eventually the motivation fades away and we struggle to meet our goals.


Many people have set-backs because they tend to keep very optimistic and high set goals. That’s because we like to have high standards for ourselves. When we are motivated they all look achievable, because you feel you will be putting that much effort in. Having high expectations are good, but they will be the same reasons that you will not do them, because they now look so much work and too far reached. And they are!


First thing you need to do is come up with a short-term goal. People who make steady, small and realistic changes over a longer period of time are much more successful in achieving their goals. So today’s session is about setting a GOAL for yourself.


Picking A Short-Term Goal:

The Goal you keep should meet certain criteria, it should be



The Focus is on Behaviour NOT weight loss.

Let’s check out some examples:

Original Goal 1 (weak and vague):

I’m going to eat breakfast

S.M.A.R.T Goal (specific and measurable) would be:
I’m going to eat breakfast at 7:30 am at home 3 times a week


Original Goal 2 (weak and vague):

I’m going to eat more fibre

S.M.A.R.T Goal (specific and measurable):
I’m going to eat brown rice instead of white rice at dinner every alternate day for 2 weeks.



As you see, these are small goals, nothing big or extravagant. But these are the small changes that will make a bigger and lasting difference to your overall lifestyle. Also the KEY is writing them down, and keep that note on your fridge or on your desk, because you have to evaluate yourself and the goal by the end of the week or 2-weeks (what ever time-frame you had set).

So write down your goal in the comments now!




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