Baked Eggplant Parmesan

Share This: Enjoy this amazing vegetable appetizer to accompany your meals to add an extra serving of veggies. This recipe has excellent sources of Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Calcium, and Folate. One cup of this recipe contains 3 servings of vegetables. To reduce the saturated fat choose lower fat cheese for Mozzarella and Parmesan. […]

List of Fibre (or Fiber) foods

Share This: Choose more sources of fibre, especially soluable fibre foods. Here’s a list of some of the common fibre foods and it’s contents. My suggestion is that you review the current amount of fibre you are consuming in an average day, do this for a week to get you baseline. Once you have a […]

Oatmeal with Apple, Cranberry and Almonds

Share This: Try this oatmeal recipe for breakfast. It is quick and easy and is an excellent option for diabetics. It is a great source of fibre and vitamins. You could replace the 1% milk with 2% or skim milk. Check the nutrition facts panel (on the right) for detailed nutrition information, the daily value numbers […]

Cabbage with Beef Pita Pockets

Share This: Enjoy this cabbage and beef stuffed in whole wheat pita pockets for lunch or dinner. It is a great source of all vitamins except Vitamin D and E. For a lower fat option, beef can be replaced by ground chicken or turkey and use canola or vegetable oil instead of butter. For a vegetarian […]

Baba Ganoush

Image courtesy of Keko via

Share This: Baba ganoush is an eggplant based sauce commonly used in the Middle East. It is a great appetizer and snack option if you want to add vegetables to your menu. Check the nutrition facts panel (on the right) for detailed nutrition information, the daily value numbers in red indicates that the recipe has high amount of nutrient […]


Share This: Falafel is a filling meal to have for lunch or as a snack. It is also low in calories. If you make a falafel sandwich, dress it with hummus or garlic sauce instead of mayonnaise to keep it healthy. This recipe has a great source of Vitamin C, Iron and Folate. Check the nutrition […]


Share This: Hummus is a great way to snack. This is a good way to add protein to your meal and is low in calories. Check the nutrition facts panel (on the right) for detailed nutrition information, the daily value numbers in red indicates that the recipe has high amount of nutrient that you need to be cautious of […]