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Photo credit: Apolonia via

Try this smoothie recipe for breakfast or a snack. It is quick and easy and will help to keep you full for longer because of the fibre from flax seed. You could replace flax seed, with chia seeds, hemp seeds or any other nuts/seeds. You could replace the 2% milk for 1% or skim milk to lower the fat.

Check the nutrition facts panel (on the right) for detailed nutrition information. Use the table to keep track of your daily intake of calories, nutrients and vitamins and make sure you check the serving size on the panel to compare.

This recipe contains 2 food groups: Fruits (0.5 serving) and Milk (0.5 serving).

Ingredients:Wake and Shake Smoothie

1 cup              2% Milk

1/3 cup           Vanilla Yogurt

¼ cup             Frozen blueberries

¼ cup             Frozen strawberries

½                   Banana

1 Tbsp            Ground flax seed

Servings: 3


Blend all ingredients until smooth.

